Category Archives: technology
Easy to take for granted
I can actually remember when there was no Internet. Or even time-shared computers. I carried around cards and paper tapes with holes in them. (shudder)
This is an awesome website packed with all kinds of information about all the development that has taken place to move the internet to the place now where there is so much available on small devices that fit in your pocket. I’m suddenly feeling older.
Now I know why those websites annoy me.
Have you ever been annoyed when you know what you want the password for a site to be, but the web designers tell you that is not a valid password because it is the wrong length, or doesn’t have capital letters or special characters or something? And then you try to come up with something, and then you forget what silly thing you had to do to make the password “legal”. I think I’m smart enough to make my own passwords, thank you.
Ever wonder why your phone browser is so slow?
The world changes too fast
Here’s a post from Wired magazine that is similar to the annual professor lists of the historical events that we share, but that happened before our students were born. These are some of the technologies that no longer exist (but that we thought were cool). I actually remember 24″ data packs that held (wait for it) 5MB of data. Must have weighed 10-15 pounds each. I also remember when you needed to not only know the email address of your recipient, but also the internet nodes along the way to that person. So email addresses got long and complicated.